Caring Hearts is empowering, loving, and serving
the People of San Luis R.C. Mexico.

Caring Hearts Ministry

Our Mission

Caring Hearts Ministry offers hope and empowers change by sharing the Gospel and God's love with vulnerable people.   


This is currently being fulfilled through Corazones Compasivos in San Luis Mexico where we provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support for a boys home, a girls home, a rehab center, a blind center, a soup kitchen, as well as ministry to shut-ins and people who live and work at the local garbage dump.  San Luis is a small town just over the border of Arizona where people are suffering from food insecurity and a lack of access to clean water and electricity. Many homes are unstable, often consisting of dirt floors and scrap wood or cardboard walls, and lack basic necessities such as a bathroom or a bed for every person to sleep in.


Children need clean water, food, shelter, education, and love. 

When you donate, your dollar makes an impact that stretches through generations. $15 feeds 5 children at the soup kitchen for a week. Please join with us and give.

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We cannot win the fight for this community alone.

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Caring Hearts Mexico Missions Trip