With so many families in San Luis facing severe health challenges, we strive to help as many as we can through our Shut-In ministry. The families that we offer assistance to are just that, “shut in” their homes, unable to work due to some sort of chronic disability or terminal illness in the family. This may be a single mom battling a debilitating illness, a family with a child suffering from a mental or physical disability that requires constant care, or a father with cancer. The goal of the sponsorship program is to create a relationship between you, the sponsor, with one of the shut-in families to provide them with both relational and financial support. Every month, your donation goes towards the operating expenses of the Shut-In Ministry including food, medical supplies, and treatments. The second half of your sponsorship is to write letters to the family you sponsor, working to form a relationship and bond that is Christ-centered, positive, and life-giving. You have an opportunity to truly change a family’s life forever.
Please click on the photos below to learn more about each individual and how CHM supports them. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart and guide you to the person/family He would like for you to support. Once you have chosen the person/family you wish to sponsor, we will be in touch with how to open up the lines of communication, so you may become relationally connected. Thank you so much for partnering with us in this very special way.